Where is Makayla? 24-y-o Old Harbour Bay mom missing since September 3

Article by: 
Nikki Cunningham
09/10/2024 - 11:15
It has been a week of tears, anxiety, sleepless nights and constant praying for Odette Ottey as her daughter Makayla McLeod has been missing since Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and so far neither the family nor the community of Old Harbour Bay has any clue as to what could have happened to her.
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Ottey, who is better known as ‘Nadine’, has not been her usual jovial self for days now as the uncertainty of the situation wreaks havoc on her mental state.

“Me nah cope too well. Yesterday me drop down and haffi go a doctor go get medication,” she tells Old Harbour News. “It rough pon me.”

Ottey , a resident of Narine Lane in the fishing community, recalls  the last time she saw her daughter on the Tuesday morning, she was wearing a white merino t-shirt, leopard skin shorts and a plastic push-toe slippers.

“Me see har and talk to har and as far as me know, nutten never amiss,” she recalled.

The entire community, she said, is unsettled as everyone knows Makayla to be a decent, hardworking individual with a ready smile and a friendly nature.

“Everybody knows Makayla nuh mix up,” an obviously disturbed mother said in terse tone. “You always see har with my niece and her friend. Dem always a par. Makayla nuh faas wid nobody so me nuh have no idea what coulda happen to her.”

Makayla, 24, was currently working as a bartender. Because of the hours, Ottey was helping out with Makayla’s two-year-old son, Psalm, putting him to bed at night. The devoted young mother would be there in the morning to look after her son, said Ottey. Since her disappearance the toddler, despite his tender age, has lost his appetite to eat, and only seems interested in seeing his mother.

“He is very young so he doesn’t really understand what has been happening but he has been asking for her and wanting to see her. Him not even a eat like him used to.”

Since reporting it to the police, Ottey shared that she has visited the station several times to find out if the authorities have any leads. Unfortunately, Ottey believes not enough is being done to locate her child.

“Them [the police] only a sey dem ago investigate. They only questioned my niece and Kayla’s friends. Dem nah do nutten fi me,” she said.

Though worried, Ottey said she is not giving up hope that her child will be found, contending: “Somebody must know something and I pray them come forward.”

Efforts to get an official update or response from the investigating officer from Old Harbour Bay Police Station have so far been futile.

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